Through the eyes of this mother, we will take a look at Nagore's life, at her family environment, at the places she studied and relaxed. We will get to know the young girl through the eyes of those who knew her: relations, friends, fellow students, the director of the nursing college at which she was studying...

The circumstances surrounding the young girl's killing by a psychiatric doctor during Pamplona's San Fermín festivities, and the terrible details of the murderer's attempts to cover up his crime, threw the case into the spotlight. The media was able to access pictures of the trial, including the video in which the defendant reconstructed the crime, something unheard of until now in this kind of news.

Based on archive images and on the statements made by the prosecution and defence lawyers, we will reconstruct the events and analyse their causes.

We will also give an idea of the enormous popular backing shown to Nagore's mother in both Pamplona and Irún. The population clearly expressed its support of Nagore's family by flocking to attend demonstrations against the crime.
Mention must similarly be made of the important online support networks
created since then.

The trial was held in November 2009 and the sentence was met with frustration by Ana Casasola and her family. Although the prosecution had asked that Yllanes be convicted for “murder”, he was finally found guilty of “manslaughter”. 

The action of the popular jury, which admitted as proven facts details provided by the defendant, ended with a verdict which Nagore's family considers disappointing.

The prosecution council therefore lodged the corresponding appeals.

In March 2010, a new hearing took place at which the judge rejected the allegations presented. Nagore's family, and the other prosecutors (Pamplona City Council, Irún City Council, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Navarre Institute for Equality) demand that a higher sentence be dictated for the crime, to achieve which it must be proven that the defendant acted with intent. The different nuances of the concept of 'intent' stand at the centre of the question, given that this legal term is determinant in considering whether or not the crime can be considered as a murder.

Another point taken into consideration is the decision which will be taken regarding the appeal presented by the defence lawyer, who went as far as to request a reduction in the sentence pronounced at the first trial.

The documentary Nagore accompanies her mother, Asun Casasola. The camera films the places where Nagore lived, including her house in Irún, her bedroom, or her favourite spot on Hondarribi beach. These places serve as the backdrop for a series of interviews with people from her family and social environment, guided all the way by Asun.
The result of the new sentence will bring the judge's mallet down on a case which shook public opinion to the roots. No matter what the final legal verdict taken regarding these appeals, the documentary will present this narration seen from the mother's point of view. The reading of the final sentence will serve as the climax to the documentary.